Unfortunately there isn't a standard to counting polyphony... Do you ever wonder why some manufactures state 64,128, 256(max) polyphony? This is because how some samples play back handle polyphony different. You could play one not and play as much as 8 notes of polyphony (traditionally polyphony was counted) with some manufactured instruments. I remember when an instrument stated it could play 32 notes of polyphony, you could actually play 32 notes at one time, on any sound. Now with some manufactures when they state numbers like 256 notes, you can't just choose any sound and play simultaneously 256 notes. So, point being, the genesys can play 64 notes all at one time. If you are recording, as I said save to hard drive and free up all the polyphony and continue on.
As far as Wav files, save them as MP3's and save the room. I look at the 2 gig limit as a way to force you to backup your work... Sure bigger is always better, but more cost $$$
Force of habit for me, if the connection seems slow, I check the ping rate. I wasn't suggesting that you needed to do anything.. Was more wanting that information for testing and improving the site.... Bare in mind, that the site isn't truly ready.
Sorry if you got bunched up over my comments
Not at all, I know the genesys isn't for everyone, Those that own them, love them, and wouldn't trade them for the world. I am happy that you are enjoying your Instrument, and even considered the genesys. There isn't one instrument out there that is right for everyone. Knowing me, if there were, I would buy something else just so I'd be different.
Price: Lets compare, Tyro's at Musician's Friend. $3000
Hard Disk Recorder and Burner $900
MP3 Player $200
Sample Player to Play Professional Sample Sounds like Akai, Kurzweil, AIFF, Wav $1000.00
Tune 1000 Library $100.00
Vocal Remover $100.00
Now I don't want to get into the plus and minus of every keyboard and values of each, I merely wanted to show, with all the extras on the instrument the price isn't that far off. I bet if you go to a local dealer that has bought a genesys on special, the dealer could make you a deal. I personally wouldn't trade my genesys for anything (until the 88 note version